
Amy E. Mason is a wife and stay-at-home mom to her two boys. She is the author of several books, including The NLT Bible Promise Book, 365 Pocket Prayers, Bible Promises to Live By, and Bible Promises for Parents of Children with Special Needs. Her books have sold over one million copies. She is passionate about encouraging families of special needs children, especially moms. She was actively involved in her church’s special needs ministry over the last few years and co-launched a group to connect and encourage mothers of special needs children in her church and local community. She is currently involved in a not-for-profit that provides inclusive social opportunities for adults with disability.

Amy and her family live in Illinois. Aside from her writing, she is passionate about nutrition, gardening, and living a healthy lifestyle. She has done extensive research on the impact of nutrition in special needs children and in individuals with autoimmune disorders. In her spare time, Amy enjoys helping her children with food sensitivities by creating gluten and dairy-free recipes that taste as good as the real thing!